-Credibility: This source seems pretty credible, it is part of a news organization.
-Location: No they are posting about the ban on lead ammunition in California and the location of this source is in Charlottesville.
-Network: It seems that they are followed by people who are probably from the community in which this is related to, people who this news most likely affects.
-Content: Yes, it is pretty much know that California is indeed banning the use of lead ammunition for this upcoming 2015 hunting season.
-Contextual updates: No they do not, they mostly post about knew that is is happening in their area,
-Age: It seems to be relatively new, and it doesn't have that many followers.
-Reliability: It seems like it would be reliable since it is a News source.
2. Munrieusa.com
-Credibility: This source seems to be pretty credible since it is an ammunition supplier and is effected very much by the ban on lead ammunition.
-Location: Though they are involved and affected, they are not directly involved location wise because this is located in Texas while this issue is occurring in California.
-Network: People that follow them seem to be mostly made up of hunters and people who own guns.
-Content: Yes, it is pretty much know that California is indeed banning the use of lead ammunition for this upcoming 2015 hunting season.
-Contextual updates: They have posted on topics like this before, such as how groups such as Game and Fish have been fighting the ban for years but have not gotten the support that they really needed, and now this ban in California can possible lead to lead being banned in other states.
-Age: I can't seem to find how old it is, but id does have a lot of followers so Im assuming its not too new.
Reliability: I feel like this source can be considered reliable since it deals first hand the effects that come from banning lead ammunition or not.
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